Verify newly created tables in catalog

Verify newly created tables in catalog

  1. Navigate to the Glue Catalog and explore the crawled data:
  • Go to:
  • Select analyticsworkshopdb
  • Select Tables in analyticsworkshopdb

Data Analytics on AWS

  1. Select raw

Data Analytics on AWS

  1. Walk around and explore the schema for your dataset looking for averageRecordSize, recordCount, compressionType

Data Analytics on AWS

  1. Query imported data with Amazon Athena
  • Query the imported data using Amazon Athena
  • Go to:

Data Analytics on AWS

  1. If necessary, select “Edit seetings” in the green warning near the top of the Athena console. Query result location: Under “Under Query result”, select s3://yourname-analytics-workshop-bucket/query_results/ Select “Save”.

Data Analytics on AWS

Data Analytics on AWS

  1. Select the “Editor tab” tab. On the left panel (Database), select analyticsworkshopdb > select the “raw” table. Select 3 dots (3 vertical dots) > Select “Preview Table”. Review the returned results.

Data Analytics on AWS

Data Analytics on AWS

  1. In the query editor, paste the following query:
SELECT activity_type,
FROM raw
GROUP BY activity_type
ORDER BY activity_type

Data Analytics on AWS