Preparatory steps
Preparation steps
Create S3 bucket
In this step, we will navigate to the S3 Console and create an S3 bucket to be used throughout this workshop.
- Go to: S3 Console Select here
- Select - Create Bucket
- Bucket Name: yourname-analytics-workshop-bucket
- Region: US EAST (N. Virginia)
- Leave the rest as default.
- Optionally add Tags (Label), for example: workshop: AnalyticsOnAWS. Select Create bucket
- Open - yourname-analytics-workshop-bucket (yours)
- The new directory is called: data. Select - Create folder
- Create a folder successfully.
- Open - data. Select - Create folder (From within the data folder)
- New directory: reference_data. Select Create folder
- Download this file to your machine: tracks_list.json or Github
- In the S3 Dashboard, select - Upload
- Select Add files & upload tracks_list.json
- Select Upload (bottom left corner)
- Download the file successfully.